Sunday 13 February 2011

i love Rumi

The Seed Market

Can you find another market like this?


with your one rose

can you buy hundreds of rose gardens?


for one seed

get a whole wilderness?

For one weak breath,

a divine wind?

You've been fearful

of being absorbed in the ground,

or drawn up by the air.

Now, your waterbead lets go

and drops into the ocean,

where it came from.

It no longer has the form it had,

but it's still water

The essence is the same.

This giving up is not a repenting.

It's a deep honoring of yourself.

When the ocean comes to you as a lover,

marry at once, quickly,

for God's sake!

Don't postpone it!

Existence has no better gift.

No amount of searching

will find this.

A perfect falcon, for no reason

has landed on your shoulder,

and become yours.

Jalāl ad-Dīn Muḥammad Balkhī
جلالالدین محمد بلخى

“Words can heal, they can transform our lives and bring joy, meaning and purpose. Words can bring us closer to God.
Such are the words of Rumi."

 Deepak Chopra

I love Rumi.
 He was truly one of the most passionate and profound poets to walk this Earth of ours. A 13th-century  Persian Muslim poet, jurist, theologian and Sufi mystic, Jelaluddin Rumi dedicated his life to the teaching  of love as a channel to the divine. he possessed the profound ability to communicate the indescribable; to express true love. 

For my loves.....

The Alchemy of Love

You come to us

from another world

From beyond the stars

and void of space.

Transcendent, Pure,

Of unimaginable beauty,

Bringing with you

the essence of love.

You transform all

who are touched by you.

Mundane concerns,

troubles, and sorrows

dissolve in your presence,

Bringing joy

to ruler and ruled

To peasant and King.

You bewilder us

with your grace.

All evils

transform into


You are the master alchemist.

You light the fire of love

in earth and sky

in heart and soul

of every being.

Through your loving

existence and nonexistence erge.

All opposites unite.

All that is profane

becomes sacred again.

Jalāl ad-Dīn Muḥammad Balkhī
جلالالدین محمد بلخى 

Thank you Rumi
Happy Valentines

Love XXX


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I love Rumi as well. Very inspiring and very healing,

    happy day !
